To display a card, use the class chi-card
Base #
Active #
Render an active state card with the class -active
No Border #
Render a card without a border using the class -no-border
Empty #
Render an empty state card with the class -empty
Titled #
Add a title to a card by applying the class chi-card__title
Center Aligned #
Center align a card by applying the class -align--center
Titled with content and icon #
Animate on Hover #
Animate a card on hover by applying the class -hover--animate
Hero #
Add a full width image or banner to the top of a card by applying the class chi-card__hero
Footer #
Apply the class chi-card__footer
to include a footer section to the card.
Footer Right Aligned #
Apply the class -align--right
on chi-card__footer
to right align its contents.
Footer Center Aligned #
Apply the class -align--center
on chi-card__footer
to center align its contents.
Footer No Border #
Apply the class -no-border
on chi-card__footer
to remove the default border.
Footer Small #
Apply the class -sm
on chi-card__footer
to reduce its padding.
Header #
Apply the class chi-card__header
to include a header section to the card.
Header Center Aligned #
Apply the class -align--center
on chi-card__header
to center align its contents.
Header No Border #
Apply the class -no-border
on chi-card__header
to remove the default border.
Header Small #
Apply the class -sm
on chi-card__header
to reduce its padding.
Header + Footer #
Further customize cards by adding both headers chi-card__header
and footers chi-card__footer
Header Small + Footer Small #
Reduce the size of the header and footer by applying the class -sm
to each element.