
Use shorthand margin and padding utility classes to control spacing between elements.


Spacing utility classes can be defined using the format -{property}{sides}[-{breakpoint}]--{size}.


  • m - use to apply margin
  • p - use to apply padding


  • t - use to apply margin-top or padding-top
  • b - use to apply margin-bottom or padding-bottom
  • l - use to apply margin-left or padding-left
  • r - use to apply margin-right or padding-right
  • x - use to apply margin-left and margin-right or padding-left and padding-right
  • y - use to apply margin-top and margin-bottom or padding-top and padding-bottom
  • blank - leave blank to apply margin or padding to all 4 sides.


Optionally include -{breakpoint} to apply the utility behaviour to some breakpoints. As a mobile first library, any applying to smaller breakpoint will modify also larger ones unless other class overrides this behaviour.

  • blank - leave blank to apply margin or padding to all breakpoints.
  • sm - use to apply margin or padding to sm and larger breakpoints.
  • md - use to apply margin or padding to md and larger breakpoints.
  • lg - use to apply margin or padding to lg and larger breakpoints.
  • xl - use to apply margin or padding to xl breakpoints.


  • 0 - use to eliminate existing margin or padding and set to 0
  • 1 - use to set margin or padding to $base-unit
  • 2 - use to set margin or padding to $base-unit * 2
  • 3 - use to set margin or padding to $base-unit * 3
  • 4 - use to set margin or padding to $base-unit * 4
  • 5 - use to set margin or padding to $base-unit * 5
  • 6 - use to set margin or padding to $base-unit * 6
  • 7 - use to set margin or padding to $base-unit * 7
  • 8 - use to set margin or padding to $base-unit * 8
  • 9 - use to set margin or padding to $base-unit * 9
  • 10 - use to set margin or padding to $base-unit * 10
  • auto - use to set margin to auto value



In this example, various margin classes have been applied to render margin on all 4 sides of the pink squares. The margin can be visualized in blue.

<div class="-m--2"></div>
<div class="-m--4"></div>
<div class="-m--6"></div>

Side Margins#

Apply margin to specific sides of an element by adding t, b, l, r, x or y to the class name.

<!-- margin-top -->
<div class="-mt--3"></div>
<!-- margin-bottom -->
<div class="-mb--3"></div>
<!-- margin-left -->
<div class="-ml--3"></div>
<!-- margin-right -->
<div class="-mr--3"></div>
<!-- margin-left and margin-right -->
<div class="-mx--3"></div>
<!-- margin-top and margin-bottom -->
<div class="-my--3"></div>


In this example, various padding classes have been applied to render padding on all 4 sides of the pink squares. The padding can be visualized in yellow.

<div class="-p--2"></div>
<div class="-p--4"></div>
<div class="-p--6"></div>

Side Paddings#

Apply padding to specific sides of an element by adding t, b, l, r, x or y to the class name.

<!-- padding-top -->
<div class="-pt--3"></div>
<!-- padding-bottom -->
<div class="-pb--3"></div>
<!-- padding-left -->
<div class="-pl--3"></div>
<!-- padding-right -->
<div class="-pr--3"></div>
<!-- padding-left and padding-right -->
<div class="-px--3"></div>
<!-- padding-top and padding-bottom -->
<div class="-py--3"></div>

Margin + Padding#

Apply both margin and padding to an element by adding both class names.

<div class="-m--3 -p--3"></div>

Auto margin#

Apply margin auto to an element

<div class="-m--auto"></div>


Target specific breakpoints with responsive classes.

<div class="-mx--0 -px--0 -mx-lg--6 -px-lg--6"></div>